IRIX 6.5 Applications 1999 May
SGI IRIX 6.5 Applications 1999 May.iso
Text File
133 lines
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3. _K_n_o_w_n__P_r_o_b_l_e_m_s__a_n_d__W_o_r_k_a_r_o_u_n_d_s
The following problems exist in Accessibility in IRIX 6.5:
As on other UNIX systems, the special AccessX keyboard
features are implemented as an X server extension, not in
the kernel. As a result, performance can degrade on loaded
systems. For example, the pointer may jerk during MouseKeys
use when other processes are consuming the system's
resources. To work around this, give lower CPU priority to
those other processes or to their owners. See the
_r_e_n_i_c_e(_1_M) reference page for more information.
There is no way for a user to toggle MouseKeys on and off if
the user cannot use the actual hardware mouse. A future
release may support a hotkey to launch _a_c_c_e_s_s_x and pop its
main window to the top. To work around this, such users
should have someone who can use the mouse toggle the
MouseKeys feature on or off as needed.
When using both MouseKeys and BounceKeys at the same time,
the mouse keys may "latch." This may make it seem like the
user has lost control of the keyboard and is unable to type.
For example, if the user presses the "/" key to select mouse
button 1 as the default, then the user may not be able to
type until the user presses the "/" key again. The
workaround is to press the default mouse button key again
("/" or "*" or "-" on the number pad).
When using MouseKeys and locking the default mouse button by
pressing the number pad "0" key, it's important to be sure
to release the button by pressing the number pad "." key,
not the number pad "5" key. Using the "." key properly
disengages the lock, whereas using the "5" key appears to
disengage the lock but actually leaves the keyboard in an
undesirable state. In this state, the normal third mouse
button menu over an _x_w_s_h(_1_G) window will not work (prevents
the user from cloning the window), the first mouse button
will not work in the _e_d_i_t_r_e_s(_1) program (prevents the
application from getting a widget tree), and other mouse
event-generating programs may not work normally. If the
user loses the normal mouse control in this way, it can be
regained by logging out and logging back in.
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